I explain things… ish.*

29 Useful Google Search Tips that Work

Effective googling is fun!
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4 Interesting Giraffe Species We Should Know About

The more we know about the endangered giraffe species, the more we'll act to help them thrive on our planet longer.
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Top 6 Excuses for Not Writing Every Day

These excuses might be hurting your writing habit.
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Why Meditating Every Day Can Turn You into a Better Version of Yourself

The real effects of meditating every day.
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The Introvert's Guide to Academic Excellence

Introversion is a superpower that can help you succeed.
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I'm Raring to Write Some More

A short post about what I've done so far.
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How to Easily Create a PDF File with Your iPhone

Creating a PDF file with your iPhone is easy, like taking a selfie that involves a few on-screen taps. But before your fingers go tap crazy, add to your iPhone tips and tricks box and know what a PDF exactly is and how to create one.
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Do I Need Amazon Prime?

My response and inquiry on the necessity of an Amazon Prime membership.
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How to Change Your Website's Current Hugo Theme to the Theme You Like

Don't like your current Hugo theme? Want to re-create your website with a new theme? Follow these easy instructions.
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How to reconfigure your website's Hugo version in Netlify

Editing the Hugo version variable value in Netlify helps it to rebuild and redeploy your site continuously.
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